Halloween Blood Drive
Sunday, October 27th
11 AM to 3 PM
Walgreens at 2240 Northpark Drive (at Woodland Hills Drive)
Look for the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center's Mobile Blood Coach in the parking lot!
Each of our blood donors helped save 3 lives by donating blood at our "We Love To Save Lives" Community Blood Drive for the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center!
We sponsor a blood drive several times each year which helps provide local hospitals with a much needed supply of blood for their patients.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Kingwood Rotarians: 
Even though science has provided many discoveries to save people's life, still there is nothing that can replace blood. Every donation can help save as many as three lives of individuals such as surgery patients, trauma victims, anemia and cancer patients, premature babies and many others.  One of the greatest gifts is giving the "Gift of Life"!  Donna Ballard, which is our Kingwood Rotary's Blood Donation Chair, has done an excellent job for the last several years organizing our multiple community blood drives with the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center.
One to two hours before donating, it is recommended to eat a good meal that includes meat, green vegetables, cereals and plenty of liquids.
Questions Above Giving Blood?  Click here
"What You Need To Know About Donating Blood" - Click here
"Make an Appointment To Donate Blood" - Click here - When you Pre-Register (Make an appointment) you'll receive an email on Sunday morning, Oct 27th. The email includes a link to complete your questionaire so you can print & bring it with you instead of having to complete it in the blood mobile.  The entire blood donation process takes just under one hour. 
The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Donor Coach will be in the parking lot of Walgreens, and the donation takes about 30 minutes and only about a pint (0.473 liters) of blood is drawn.  An average person has 10 to 12 pints in their body and in about a month the body will have the blood replaced. The donor has to go through a registration process, blood pressure check, temperature and hemoglobin levels' review and a questionnaire (pre-register and Sunday morning you'll receive a link to complete the questionaire so you can print & bring it with you for your appointment) about general health to ensure the eligibility to donate. Including the post-donation refreshments, the entire process takes just under one hour.

All donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, be in general good health, without cold symptoms, have a valid ID and be 17 years old to donate or 16 with parents approval.  Besides helping save up to three lives, all donors will receive a physical exam with various blood screening test, their blood type and cholesterol level. 

If you give blood at one of Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center's brick and mortar "walk-in" offices, please give them our code:  "R684".